Tuesday 3 January 2012

I bought new gym socks...

And thank god I did!

New years brought a few rather el scorchio days. That has only just been broken with a cool change (yey to cool change!!) And to escape the heat lime and I ran off to our local Westfield and pottered around the shops and cinema in air-conditioned luxury until we got bored and came back home to our sweat box. (we moved the tv in to our only aircon room the bedroom and lived there for a couple of days - limes chest infection and sunburn prevented any escape plan or alternate activities).

Now also being sales time it was rather busy by the time we got our hot sweaty selves out of our air con fabulous bedroom and to the carpark. We had to suck it up and park under the blazing sun. Not a worry. Aircon will save us on our journey home (it was 39 degrees yesterday).

What we had not considered was the effect scorching sun has on items inside the car... Like seatbelts (ouch), the seat itself and of course most importantly - the steering wheel!

It was literally like trying to turn a frying pan without a handle after you'd just fried eggs. The radio warned of "severe UV levels". I don't know what that means in comparison to other UV levels. But the word severe makes it's point quite eloquently.

Quick thinking Lime came to the rescue - at first he went for tissues in my bag (he has man flu and decided I should carry his tissues, and his sunglasses case, and his wallet, and his aftersun, and his cough medicine - I see a pattern emerging) but came out with my new gym socks.

Thank god I bought gym socks!! Gym socks saved the day and meant I could steer without fear of blisters on my fingers/palms. I think other drivers were quite jealous. They just won't admit it...

This blog is temporarily sponsored by Bonds. Socks that save the day.

Happy heatwave x x

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